The Housing

Illustration of 2 people chatting.
Illustration of The Housing: Supportive Housing, Seniour Housing, Single Units, Family Housing, Accessible Housing

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Around 50 housing providers in the Ottawa area have these types of housing. When you apply for subsidized housing through The Registry, you get to say which buildings you prefer and your unique needs (like family size and accessibility requirements).

Housing providers cover a wide range of settings and styles, from high rise to low rise, urban to rural. Some are co-operatives (co-op) which differ from other forms of non-profit housing because tenants are members who manage the property themselves. There is no landlord. Co-ops are open to everyone, though they often require an interview to ensure an applicant is a good fit with its particular community.

Some housing options are designated as smoke-free on the application form. Some have specific internal policies, like for pets, tenant insurance, and satellite dishes, which are clarified at the time of offer.

Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) Housing

RGI is the most common type of subsidized housing. For RGI housing, you pay approximately 30% of the household’s gross monthly income. There may be additional costs such as utilities and parking.

To qualify for RGI housing, you must meet the eligibility requirements.

Paper applications for RGI housing are available at The Registry office and at various housing support agencies around Ottawa.

NOTE: Among RGI housing options are co-operatives (co-ops). Co-ops differ from other forms of non-profit housing because tenants are members who manage the property themselves. There is no landlord. Co-ops are open to everyone, though they often require an interview to ensure an applicant is a good fit with its particular community. Members of a housing co-op usually have to volunteer a few hours a month to helping the property or tenants in some way.

Before you are added to the list of people awaiting subsidized co-op housing, the co-ops you select may contact you to complete a more detailed form and/or to come in for an interview or information session. Most will conduct reference and credit checks.

Providers of RGI Housing:

  • Asher Christian Seniors
  • Barrhaven Non-Profit Housing
  • Better Living Co-operative
  • Cardinus Co-operative
  • Carpenter Co-operative
  • Cartier Square Co-operative
  • Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (C.C.O.C.)
  • Chinese Community Building
  • Communityworks Non-Profit Housing
  • Conservation Co-operative
  • Côté Est Co-operative
  • Cumberland Non-Profit Housing
  • Dalhousie Co-operative
  • Desloges Co-operative
  • Dobbin Co-operative
  • Eagleson Co-operative
  • Ellwood Non-Profit Housing
  • Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing
  • Glenn Haddrell Co-operative
  • Gloucester Housing Corporation
  • Goulbourn Non-Profit Housing
  • Harmer House
  • Hazeldean Co-operative
  • Kanata Co-operative
  • Kanata Baptist Non-Profit Housing
  • Lao Village Co-operative
  • L.I.U.N.A Non-Profit Housing
  • Mario DeGiovanni Co-operative
  • Muslim Non-Profit Housing
  • Nepean Housing
  • Ottawa Community Housing (O.C.H.)
  • Osgoode Non-Profit Housing
  • Rideau Non-Profit Housing
  • St. Georges Co-operative
  • St. Vladimir’s Russian Residence
  • Serson Clarke Non-Profit Housing
  • Shefford Co-operative
  • Shikun Oz Non-Profit Housing
  • Taiga Non-Profit Housing
  • Tannenhof Co-operative
  • Van Lang Non-Profit Housing
  • Vanier Non-Profit Housing
  • Voisins Co-operative
  • Unity Housing (formerly OCISO Non-Profit Housing)
  • West Carleton Non-Profit Housing
  • Wigwamen
  • Yule Manor Co-operative

Affordable Housing (AH)

If your household income is low to moderate, you might be interested in Affordable Housing:

If you are selected and choose to accept an AH unit and also have an  application for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing, you must contact The Registry to update your address in your RGI housing application, which will remain active.

To qualify for AH, you must meet the eligibility requirements. Also, your household income must fall within certain limits set by the City of Ottawa. We can help you determine whether you meet this requirement after you submit your application.

You are only entitled to three (3) offers of Affordable Housing. If all offers are refused the file will be cancelled. If you are on the waiting list for Rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing, you will not lose your place if you accept an Affordable Housing unit.

Paper applications for Affordable Housing are available at The Registry office and at various housing support agencies around Ottawa.

Providers of Affordable Housing:

  • Blue Heron Coop
  • Bruyère Village
  • Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC)
  • Clarence View
  • Cumberland Non-Profit Housing
  • Eastern Ontario Christian Senior Citizens Housing Cooperative
  • Gloucester Housing Corporation
  • Hollyer House
  • King’s Daughters and Sons Apartments
  • McLean Coop
  • Multifaith Housing Initiative
  • Nepean Housing
  • Ottawa Community Housing (OCH)
  • The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre Seniors’ Village
  • Unity Non-Profit Housing

Supportive Housing

If you have difficulty living independently or maintaining your housing, you might be interested in supportive housing:

Rent for supportive housing will be approximately 30% of the household’s gross monthly income. There may be additional costs such as utilities and parking.

If you are selected and choose to accept a supportive housing unit, you must contact The Registry to update your address in your RGI housing application, which will remain active.

There is a section to indicate interest in supportive housing on the RGI housing application form.

Applying for supportive housing can involve extra steps, depending on which supportive housing provider(s) you choose on your application:

Special forms

Providers of supportive housing may require more details about your needs. You can complete these forms online or get copies at our office. We can help you complete them.


Providers of supportive housing may want to discuss your personal requirements.


Providers of supportive housing may wish to talk to references to help determine your suitability for this type of housing.

To qualify for supportive housing, you must meet the eligibility requirements except #2.

You can apply for supporting housing online through this form. Applications for supporting housing are also available from The Registry office.

Providers of Supportive Housing:

  • Bruce House
  • Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
  • Cornerstone
  • Daybreak Housing
  • John Howard Society
  • Montfort Renaissance
  • Options Bytown
  • Ottawa Salus
  • Personal Choice Independent Living (PCIL)
  • Shepherds of Good Hope
  • Tewegan Transitional House
  • Youth Services Bureau