Social Housing Registry of Ottawa

We are a caring team dedicated to helping people submit and update their applications for subsidized housing.

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Illustration of a rocket

Apply Now

Everything you need to submit an application for subsidized housing. Apply Now

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Our Role

Our role within the constellation of community housing organizations is to maintain a centralized list of people awaiting subsidized housing. Explore the constellation

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Housing Providers

50 housing providers in the Ottawa area have rent-geared -to-income housing, Affordable Housing (formerly Below Market Rent (BMR)), and supportive housing you can apply for. View options

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How it Works

Once we help you apply, we have no way of knowing when units become available or when housing providers are able to make you an offer. Here’s how it works

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Already Applied?

We need to hear from applicants at least once a year.  What to Expect

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Questions & Answers

What is subsidized housing? How long does it take? Who decides? Get Answers

Social Housing Registry of Ottawa (The Registry) is a caring team dedicated to helping people submit and update their applications for subsidized housing in Ottawa. Applicants are referred to The Registry by social service and government agencies or find us on their own.

Guided by the vision that everyone should have a safe and affordable home, our role within the constellation of community housing organizations is to maintain a centralized list of people awaiting subsidized housing in Ottawa and sub-lists for the available buildings. Also within that constellation are our members: providers of rent-geared-to-income housing, affordable housing, and supportive housing, as well as community housing agencies that serve housing seekers.

Since the list of people awaiting subsidized housing in Ottawa is very long (far more people need an affordable place to live than there are available options), we encourage applicants to make other arrangements in the meantime.

While The Registry supports applicants, it does not operate or offer affordable housing itself.

For more information on how The Registry works, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

The Registry is a non-profit operating per the Ontario Housing Services Act, 2011. Our board of directors is made up of representatives from the constellation of community housing organizations in Ottawa.

Our office is situated on the unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin peoples.